Projects in Tajikistan




Mohbegim is the first beneficiary of FBL in Tajikistan. She was provided with a bakery unit

to start making bread from home. Previously, she was unemployed and had incurred debt.

Now she has income from bread production and sales, and she is also able to pay off her debt.

In a week, she already used three bags of flour. "InshaAllah baking and selling will be even better in future."

In an interview shortly after starting her home based bakery, Mohbegim praised FBL’s involvement in improving her situation. In a week, she already used three bags of flour, and in her opinion, had very favorable results. “I have already established connections in the market. Some shops are already selling my bread and even friends and neighbors are buying directly from my home. InshaAllah baking and selling will be even better in future”, declared Mohbegim.




Sophia, another beneficiary of FBL Tajikistan, was provided with the necessary tools and a

freezer to start making dumplings. She uses fresh ingredients to produce the dumplings and sells them in the local market.

Sophia now generates is helping this family, not only to survive, but also to save money and expand the dumpling business.

She has also hired another local woman to assist her in the production. Sophia’s husband makes 600 Somoni in his government job, and the family pays 550 Somoni to rent their home. The additional income Sophia now generates is helping this family, not only to survive, but also to save money and expand the dumpling business.




FBL Tajikistan trained eight women in tailoring art. Two of them are working in the  trainer’s shop, two started their own business, and two other beneficiaries are employed with them.

Two of them are working in the  trainer’s shop, two started their own business, and two other beneficiaries are employed with them.

As of now, six families have increased their income as a result of the training program. The remaining two are expected to find contract work with other tailors or work at FBL’s new production center, which will be opening in the near future.




FBL Tajikistan began English language classes for students of Bartang Valley who are studying at the Khorog campus of the University of Central Asia.

"FBL is expecting them to teach English to other students back in their villages during summer break."

FBL is expecting them to teach English to other students back in their villages during summer break. The program is being conducted at FBL’s new resource center. This will help these students in their future to aspire and achieve anything they dream of.




In December 2017, FBL received ten new pieces of equipment (ovens, dough mixers) from China. The new equipment will enable FBL Tajikistan to start ten additional bread-making projects, with the principal focus this time being on districts and villages.

"Enable FBL Tajikistan to start ten additional bread-making projects"

FBL Tajikistan has identified the following areas for distribution of the equipment:

❖ Roshqala District

❖ Gund

❖ Village Khun

❖ Rushon

❖ Khufak

❖ Ishkoshim

❖ Darmorakht

❖ Porshinev

❖ Nosiri Khusrav

❖ Yomj

In February 2018, FBL Tajikistan will launch the first five projects. Prior to starting, FBLTajikistan Treasurer, Mr. Daler Kubodbekov, will provide one week of business training to the selected candidates. The remaining five projects will begin in March 2018. The FBL Tajikistan team recently visited Roshqala District and Khun village to interview those who have applied for the bread projects, and the selection process will soon be underway. Consideration will be given to applicants who are genuinely poor and demonstrate the willingness and ability to implement the projects successfully.

Gallery of Projects

The President of Republic of Tajikistan performed the opening ceremony of our Pamir Fabric sewing factory on August 21, 2020 in Khorag, Tajikistan. We are very proud of this project as it gave many women new job opportunities to support their family as well as a new skillset for their futures.

Gallery of Projects

In July 2020, FBL Tajikistan team went to Bartang valley in GBAO Tajikistan, a mountainous region containing 27 villages. This is considered to be one of the poorest area in Tajikistan. We researched the families and invited them to apply for the financial support for their enterprises to come out of poverty.

Gallery of Projects

During the biggest pandemic, receiving food was one of the toughest things for families in Tajikistan and Pakistan. FBL distributed groceries and other essentials to families that are victims of COVID 19 in July 2020 in Khorog and Fushanbe Tajikistan and in Karachi, Pakistan.

Gallery of Projects

FBL USA chairman visited Khujand Tajikistan to assess the assistance needed in the area and visited many beneficiaries to assess the progress made by the FBL beneficiaries in Khorog and surrounding area in February 2020.

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